General questions


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We are a natural resource broker with experience in organic and conventional goods, bulk and for private labels. For the companies that looking for new markets or partners abroad we provide a fast processing of the requests and orders for needed goods in large quantities, reliable pertners, excellent cost and lead time. We support with logistic operations and transport too. Learn more about us.

We are located in Sofia, Bulgaria and this gives us easy access to the resources of the countries of South Eastern Europe. We combine this geographic factor with an economic one, souch as Bulgaria’s EU membership and our organizational experience to provide you reliable deliveries in EU and beyong.

Since 2012, we have partnered with suppliers and buyers who want to find new markets and business partners abroad. These are well established manufacturers, processors and mercants who with us achieved results for their business in a much shorter time than if they had done it alone. We can do it for you too.

We report 100% satisfaction from the work with us. Our brokerage is based on years of professional experience, focus, efficiency, discipline, achieving results, monitoring and analysis of each project.

Contact us and tell us more about your business and the goals you want to achieve. We will give you our reply as soon as possible.


General questions

We are  a natural resource broker and provide useful goods and effective services for finding suitable markets and partners abroad. See the answers on some of the more common questions we are asked.

How to partner with us?​

Press the button and fill in the registration form. It will allow us to get to know your company and the type of business you are looking for.
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